Hello Dear Readers,
My name is Mrs Minaker. I am a substitute teacher. It is not the easiest job, I can assure you. Why would I put up with this position? Well, the truth is... I would even be a substitute- the lowliest of the low (no offense to any subs out there, but am I right or am I RIGHT?)- I would do all this because I actually LOVE teaching. Regardless of who the students are or where they reside or how old or young they may be-- I am going to find a way to make them laugh and hopefully help them learn. I love this job. I have had some pretty great spots too. I have been lucky enough to meet some future adults that actually give me hope for the future (my super Juniors! Where "nerd" is a compliment!). I have also met some great freshman, middle schoolers, preschoolers, and all in between. I do have a confession though. This "Momma Bear" is for hire! I am doing all of this for the love but also for the experience. Until then.... Hi, My name is Mrs Minaker and I will be your substitute for the day....
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